Suzanne is one of our rock force of RIBWear Event Models, she is a exactly as she appears. A Beauty with reckon for strength, beauty and intelligence. Currently she is competing in a spot for the model search of Martial Artist fighter, Daniel Puder to represents the athletes in Mixed Martial Arts . As seen below...if your interested in knowing more about suz-anne her check into fitness, she is climbing the ladder to success, you can ask her here. An inspiring youthful spirit, and mature entrenpenaur for women in fitness...you can ask for posters for Suz and signed autograph from her..by going to our site at http://www.cafepress.com/rockitbaby
1 comment:
Thank you for voting for me! I am a fitness model and figure competitor... representing the fit and strong athletic women out there that work their butts off to be considered an athlete. People can underestimate the levels at which women can put their bodies through in strength and sport. Let's show them what we can accomplish ladies... maintaining class and respect are vital as women with kick ass bodies can be forced into a "peice of meat" category. Show them what you deserve... to be treated with dignity, honor, and respect. Much love to all of the ladies out there that strive to be their best in life and health. View my portfolio at www.suzycolleenmodel.com!
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